Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let the blog begin...

Welcome to the blog, we are now able to share what's going on in our lives with our family and friends. Here you will find a collection of musings from our lives from our two, and sometimes very different, perspectives.

He Said:
This is weird...I'm out there. I am never out there. She likes to be connected, I like to be anonymous. Facebook - no. MySpace - no. Linked In - linked out. I'm only out there because we are stuck out where near anyone. The Natural State. You want to know what we are doing, fine. She liked the idea but I like to make sure my voice is heard too. For instance, musings schmoosings...this is just the stuff going on with us. It's scary out here but one thing gives me's football season! Hook 'Em.

She Said:
This is our first attempt at a blog. We've mulled over it a few times... over coffee, walking down the street, after talking to "his" mom. Yes, I refer to my husband as "he" or "him" or "his" because he doesn't want to be "out there" per say. Therefore, we are going to do our best not to use names. I, personally, do not mind. I am on Facebook, Linked In, MySpace, etc. so one could say that I am definitely "out there." However, if you Google me by my maiden name you are going to get a lot of info on Jamie Foxx (the actor). Honestly, I wasn't sure we would have time for a blog, but over dinner Saturday night, and after some encouragement from my mother-in-law, we decided we would make some time to share our thoughts with the world - no matter how different they can be. Enjoy our "musings!"

1 comment:

  1. I like the He Said/She Said concept. I want to hear more!

